I was scheduled to work Saturday afternoon and I was really nrevous I wasn't going to be able to ahve someone take my shift for me. Well I decided to go into work on Monday during my lunch break from school and ask around to see if anyone would work for me. A girl gladly covered my shift and I went on my way to figure out the next obstacle... A plane ticket.
I had been looking and checking prices the day before and nothing was cheap because of sort notice. I called my friend Kent that went to BYU last semester and is now back home in Gilbert to see if we can hang out if I got an early flight. He told me he couldn't because he was flying back to Provo to pack up his car and drive it back. I asked if there would be room for me to go home with him. He said there would be but I'd have to leave Thursaday morning because it was supposed to snow on Friday. That was perfect!
We got to town right at 7 on Thurday and Kent dropped me off at Chase Field. Parts Unlimited was sponsoring a showcase and a dinner for the dealers. At the dinner, Andy won a Chad Reed Jersey and he was going to get it signed on Saturday! We also got to watch the track being bulit it was so cool! The picture wasn't all that great but it was a cool thing to experience!
We got to see Ryan Vilapoto talk a lil bit to us, It was neat!